From Heartache to Joy is the gateway to personal transformation
Eram Saeed founded From Heartache to Joy in 2012. Since that time it has become an industry leader in the global telesummit community.
The vision of From Heartache to Joy is to empower those that are ready, to tap into their inner wisdom and knowledge to design a life they truly love. They strive to bring together a vast array of the world’s top healers, masters and personal growth experts that will help their customers transform and heal. Many of the healers and energy workers that contribute to From Heartache to Joy are well known in the industry. However, they also have a passion to find the hidden ?gems ?that are yet to be discovered. Through extensive training and development, From Heartache to Joy help polish these gems, so that their gifts can be shared throughout the world.

Thanks to the consistent and loving support from their community, From Heartache to Joy has helped with some projects that help raise the light on our planet, including organizations like Sallamah Academy of Educational Excellence-SAFE. The Sallamah Academy of Educational Excellence-SAFE is a school in Pakistan founded for poor children. In Pakistan, and many Middle Eastern countries, school is a privilege reserved solely for children of wealthy families. SAFE is changing that by taking poor children off of the streets and providing them with an education equal to that of the wealthy. Eram Saeed and From Heartache to Joy are proud to be one of the largest contributors to SAFE. By providing education, uniforms, and supplies to these students we ensure the children are receiving an education of the highest standards.
Eram Saeed is also the creator of the popular coaching program, Telesummit Superstars Coaching Program, and the hit YouTube channel, Heart 2 Heart with Eram.