Who Else Wants To Be Launched On Our Tele-Summit And become The Next Tele-Summit Success Story?
Dear Friend,
I know that there are a lot of talented energy workers and healers who would just love a vehicle to share their message with the world. I know just how frustrating it can be when you have the desire to change people's lives yet feel limited by the number of people you can reach.
Now I know the power of tele-summits first hand and if you've followed me for even a little while you'll know just what a difference they've made to my life.
The Problem With The Healing Business
The problem with being an energy worker and healer is that most of the work involves trading time for money. You do your amazing work and only get paid by the hour no matter how much you change someone's life. You're also limited in the number of people who can experience your work and impact.
That's why it's so valuable for you to create products. This way your wisdom can be shared with thousands of people without working you to death. Once you have a product the only limit is how many people you can share it with.
How Tele-Summits Can Launch Your Success
In order to successfully share your product you need to put it in front of an audience and this is where tele-summits come in. In just one hour you can reach thousands of new people and share your message with them. Most importantly, these are all people who have CHOSEN to be on the call because they're interested in personal development and what you have to offer. Unlike your usual marketing where you have to convince people of the merits of energy healing Plus when you know how to present yourself and make the right offer it's not uncommon to get 100+ sales per call on a good tele-summit. With a $100 product that's $10,000 in sales for your hour's work that you can repeat on multiple different tele-summits!!

What's The REAL Value Of Tele-Summits?
While making $10,000 in sales from an hour's work may sound appealing there's more. Studies show that an existing customer is 6-7 times more likely to buy from you than a new customer. That means that every tele-summit is adding another 100 customers that will buy your other and future products plus may use your personal services.
But it’s not just about the sales, Tele-summits help you to grow your list above and beyond the number of people that buy. They generate huge traffic that goes directly to your website to get connected with your work!
That means that those who didn't buy on the call have still been added to your database and are likely to buy with repeated follow up.
Trust me.... I should know the power of tele-summits since it only took me 7 months to completely change my life and create a business that I love.
We took 10 talented people and decided to launch them on to the tele-summit scene. And the amazing thing is all 10 cases have been amazing success stories.
Not only did they do very well on the From Heartache To
Joy series but we also managed to book every single one of them on top tele-summits in our industry as well.
Plus all this happened in less than a month of them being launched onto the scene (normally this would take a year or more.... if they were lucky enough to even get there at all).
And this success has proven our model works, so now I want to introduce you to our tried, tested and proven to be successful model that has totally changed the lives of our students!

Telesummit Superstar Coaching
Telesummit Super Star Coaching is a personalized program where we will literally take you by the hand and launch you on to the tele-summit scene. If you've ever wanted more exposure for your business then we'll provide the complete blueprint and support to do it.
Imagine speaking in front of thousands of people who are all interested in what you have to say. This will help you build your email list, sell products and get more clients. And we'll be helping you achieve all that and more (info below).
But First ... Who is this for?
Obviously this is a very personalized program and hence we're looking for a very specific type of person. You'll find out the full application process in a second but here is what you need to participate in this program....
Be an energy worker or healer
Have already established a healing practice that you operate offline or online
Basically you need to already be in business for yourself and be working in our areas of expertise. We will consider some applications from people involved in natural medicine and other related areas (it doesn't hurt to apply) but we will be very honest in who this will work for.
However if you don't have a list, a free giveaway, paid product etc. you don't have to worry. All of this and more will be taken care of as part of the program. And even if you do have these things you can still use our help.... as I'll explain right now.
Why Getting on A Tele-Summit Is So Difficult
At From Heartache To Joy we literally receive hundreds of speaker requests all the time. And the sad part is we don't even have time to look at them. When booking our speakers we look for one major thing (just like all the other tele-summits)....
Your Reputation
We don't take chances on untested speakers and neither do the other big tele-summits. It is a huge cost each time a show is broadcast and if the speaker is not knowledgeable, they can create big losses for the summit. We want to know that the speakers we use know what they're doing and will be successful. And this is true for ALL tele-summits. No one wants to take a chance on a newbie speaker!
Here are just some of problems you face when starting with tele-summits...
- They're very different from live seminars, radio interviews or anything else you might have done in the past (most speakers don't realize this)
- There are big technology barriers involved
- The ability to do an effective interview in a tele-summit format (different again)
- Striking the perfect balance between selling too little and too much
- Lack of a decent email list (most tele-summits will reject a candidate without a big list)
- The time it takes to be successful (and the shelf life of your content is limited)
- And perhaps the most important.... knowing which tele-summits to approach so you don't ruin your career before it even starts.
The Big Secret Of Tele-Summits That No One Tells You
The top tele-summits exist in an exclusive circle and it's very hard to get into this circle. We rely on the recommendations of other hosts to find speakers that will work for us. Remember, tele-summits have an abundance of people who want to be on our tele-summits and so they can afford to be very picky. And they are!
You may be able to get on to one of the new tele-summits as they're often desperate for speakers. They also have few listeners, don't know what they're doing and can instantly tarnish your reputation with the top tele-summits.
The Major Benefit Of Working With Us....
We will set you up for the big leagues. You can go from complete tele-summit obscurity to star because of our reputation. Our tele-summit enjoys the reputation of one of the top and well respected summits. We launch you on our very own tele-summit in front of thousands of people and then will help to book you on the other top tele-summits as well.
Because our reputation is on the line we're not just looking for a speaker with a product. We're going to help you with every step of the process from creating your giveaway to build your list to creating and selling a high value product to your new audience. The simple truth is that no matter how good you are in your craft, if you don’t know how to present your skills, you will be lost in a huge flood of healers that are out there and not get an opportunity to stand out!
I have interviewed hundreds of speakers and know what works. More importantly, I know what doesn’t work! It is CRITICAL that you offer only those items that are in demand at that time. There is no one in a better position to know what is in demand than a tele-summit. Period! I can save you a lot of pain and frustration by picking the right services, the right amount of items and the right way to deliver them so that there is no stone left unturned to ensure your success as a speaker. Most healers that we have launched have attributed a BIG part of their success to the correct outline of the package that was offered.
Create Quality Products That Sell
After picking the right items and services, we will help you with product creation. This is custom tailored for each speaker. We also help you create a great free giveaway and teach you how to increase your list. Your special offer package to sell on the tele-summits is created with great attention to detail and high quality.
Mastery of Interview Skills
Ever wondered why some speakers sell really well and some don’t? If you think its just their product offering you’d be wrong. Telesummits are a very different platform and your interview has to have certain elements in it to make people want to connect deeper and buy from you.
Not a good speaker?
No worries! You don’t have to be a skilled speaker as long as you are incorporating the 2 or 3 elements Eram guides you to do. She will tell you EXACTLY what to highlight in your talk!!!
Not comfortable selling?
Again, not a problem! We have had students with major blocks to selling or talking about themselves and yet when Eram guided them through the process of indirect sales, not only did they do great, they actually LOVED it!!!
Once you know how to master this skill, you can go to any show and deliver a winning interview!
Guaranteed Spot on One of the Most Respected Telesummits From Heartache to Joy!
Participation in Various Events from the Company
One of the most coveted spots on the telesummit is our Facebook events. We give preference to our students and invite them to host our FB events which again give massive recognition and increase sales.
Also, our marketing and direct sales opportunities are only extended to current and past students.
We are also planning to hold live retreats in various parts of the world and will invite TSSC students to participate as faculty.
Ongoing Product Creation Support
Once you have been a TSSC student, even after your launch, you are part of a family. A lot of our past students still join us on the weekly calls to brush up on marketing or get advice on new products that they are creating. Again, this is priceless in value since Eram can give the most current information on what is selling and brainstorm with them to tweak the offer to make it very compelling! If it’s in line with what our audience wants, we usually launch the new product offering on our telesummit!
Joint Venture Opportunities
One of the many perks of being a part of this heart centered community is that you get to choose to work with other healers that compliment your services. You can do joint venture launches and help each other grow your business very effectively. This is one of the secret sauces to add $$$ to your book of business. Taught in detail in the coaching program!
Booking on Other Summits
Getting on the big summits is every healers dream. Very few achieve it!
Yet, so far each of our students have been booked on one or major tele-summit that took them to the top!
We give you more QUALITY exposure that will catapult you right after the launch. You can build on your current momentum and strike while the iron is hot. Remember you won't have a chance of getting on these other summits without the right reputation and that's what we build for you. We show your success on our summit and they take you based on
Live Coaching Calls
Our students become the Super stars on the Tele-summit circuit as soon as they are launched. Because they are coached and taught insider tips that are invaluable. You get personal access to me (Eram) and my team to get valuable information and get questions answered during 1 hour calls every week. This is in addition to the online course and makes sure we have all your bases covered.
On Going Support
One of the biggest challenges that speakers face after their business starts making consistent money is finding the right kind of support/ assistants. This is a highly specialized industry and most VA’s don’t know how to support speakers and tele-summits.
At the request of our students, we have trained VA for our students that are well versed in the tele-summits business and will be able to continue to support you. This is a huge advantage and makes the transition very smooth.
Here's the Bottom Line
We're simply not going to put you on our tele-summit to fail. We have our entire reputation at stake and hence we're going to make sure you succeed. We'll basically help with everything we can so you're a HUGE success on the tele-summit circuit.
This is also not some program that promises to make you lots of money from watching a few videos. We WILL be launching you on our tele-summit and you WILL need to do the work in order to get ready. This is a PERSONAL course to launch YOUR tele-summit career with a bang.
8 Important Facts You Must Consider
The Best Way To Get Your Message Out There Is Via The Top Telesummits.
You Help More People(And Get Paid More Too) When You Are Laverage Yourself Just Using Telesummits
The Only Reason You're Not Experiencing Massive Success Is That You Don't Know How....Yet
I Know That I Can Help You In Better Position And Promote Yourself As A Healer Starting Right Now
Nowhere Else Will You Find A Successful Telesummits Host That Is Willing To Work With You 1-On-1 To Lunch Your Healing Business On Telesummits Like I Am
Telesummits Have Literally Changed My Life On Massive Scale And I'm Ready Do The Same For You
We Can Work With A Limited Number Of People So Don't Miss Out As We Don't Know When We'll Be Able To Do This Again
If You Ever Wanted To Grow Your Healing Business And Make A Huge Impact On The World.... Then This Is The Opportunity You've Been Waiting For.
Remember we'll help you to...
- Position yourself intelligently
- Promote yourself authentically
- Perform like a professional
- Sell effectively to people who need your help
- Repeat the process on other top telesummits
Here are some of our success stories...
My first coaching session with Eram was really fun and very productive and exceeded my expectations! Chatting to Eram was more like chatting to a friend I've known for years than a professional coach I'd only just spoken to in an interview. Eram's information is amazing, but what was really awesome for me was that she totally focused the session around me and my healing abilities and by the end of the session she had put together a package idea for me and I knew exactly what work I needed to do, before the next session. I am really excited about this opportunity to be coached and launched by Eram and am so pleased and grateful that this is happening to me right now. Many thanks!
Here's her testimonial after she was launched on our telesummit.
I am so pleased that my first ever telesummit talk was with Eram as she certainly knows how to loving take total control of the interview and to completely guide you through it. She will learn what is your greatest strength before the interview and will use this to make sure you Shine!
Earlier in my life, on two occasions, I had found myself in the position of having to do a speech and really messed them both up, so public speaking has since been on my 'list of never do again!' I didn't actually tell Eram this until after my first interview, but her guidance through that interview was so amazing and really couldn't have been any better. I felt I didn't need to worry because she would just deal with any issues that may come up, but the whole talk went so smoothly and I ended up with a record audience and totally amazing sales! Beyond all expectations!
Michelle Carter
In June I received an email in regards to a telesummit coaching program. Usually I would have just deleted it, but I felt compelled to read it. After reading it, I was urged to apply. Eram called and told me about her program, I have been asked to join many but always said no. Something in me kept saying DO IT!! So I did. Wow, it has been remarkable. She gives 1000% and so does her team. From the training to the unbelievably professional and gorgeous marketing materials they developed for us. I can hardly figure out email let alone sales pages, opt in websites and a professionally done product. I am so blown away by the results I have gotten. She only takes a few students in each group so if you ever have the chance to work with her DO IT!! You will never regret it, I don't. In fact if it were possible I would just keep signing up for each of her groups. I hate to give her up. I have done training across the US and with various masters but never with anyone that compares to her. God Bless you Eram and God Bless your team. You are all AMAZING!!!
Mary Beth Vanderlinden
I was blessed to participate in Eram Saeed's Telesummit Super Star Coaching program and I have nothing but praise for her support and her professionalism! My entry into the Telesummit field would have been impossible without the help and guidance that Eram and her marvelous staff provided, and I feel truly blessed to have found this program. As energy workers, our focus is on the value of our work to our clients and to our world. This program is designed to help us present our gifts and our work in a professional manner that serves our work by extending its reach far beyond where we have been able to take it on our own.
Eram understands our work and, perhaps more importantly, our natures as energy workers. She honors our endeavors and gently but firmly guides us through the areas that energy workers tend to ignore, but that hinder our success. Her grasp of marketing and copy writing is nothing short of astounding. The materials she and her staff produce are both beautiful and effective, while still reflecting our personal focus. Her assistance with the technology of this business was invaluable.
Should you be wise enough to participate in her program, be prepared to work very hard, but know that you will have the leadership of a caring and knowledgeable organization on your side and dedicated to your success. Thank you again, Eram, from the bottom of my heart!
Marcella Martyn
Thanks to Eram, Naila and the other great people working on booking me, I have time to hone my message, create exciting new products, work with the new clients who call for my services after hearing me on a telesummit - and reach out to thousands of listeners who might never have found me otherwise. Between us, we are spreading Light and Love all over the world - and that's what it's all about, isn't it?
Moira Shepard
Here are some speakers trained in this coaching program and launched successfully on FHTJ and are sought after speakers now!